Types of Personal Injury Damages

Compensatory Damages

Compensatory damages are available in almost all personal injury lawsuits. Their purpose is to reimburse or compensate the injured for the damage they incurred.

Compensatory damages include:
  • medical bills
  • loss of earnings
  • loss of future earnings
  • cost of future medical care
  • costs of household expenses related to injury
  • costs associated with cancelled trips or altered plans

These types of compensations are found in most personal injury lawsuits as they cover the costs most directly associated with the negligent actions of the defendant.

Personal injury lawsuits can also have more specialized types of compensatory damages. Injuries can leave the plaintiff in a state of mental disarray that can impact their lives on various scales. In circumstances where the injury was fatal, a spouse can pursue damages for this loss since they can no longer be with their loved one.

In such circumstances, a plaintiff would likely seek out compensation for:
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages, or exemplary damages, are unlike compensatory damages as they are not designed to compensate the victim for the damages and injuries incurred. Punitive damages occur when the defendant’s actions were so careless and so overtly abhorrent that a jury finds they are to pay more in damages as punishment for their actions. States handle punitive damages differently between themselves and in different types of cases. Each state usually creates a cap of how high punitive damages can reach for any given type of accident.

Punitive damages are often the result of an injury that occurred when the defendant acted in gross negligence. They can also be a result of intentional harm rather than mere negligence. An example of a situation that might create a basis for punitive damages is if an underage or untrained person was knowingly allowed to operate a dangerous vehicle by their employer or parent. The employer or parent would likely be held for punitive damages. Another situation can be found in circumstances where the person injured was disabled or otherwise defenseless, while they were in the care of another professional. By taking advantage of the injured person’s vulnerability, the defendant would likely be held responsible for punitive damages.

Wrongful Death Damages

Wrongful death damages are  associated with personal injury lawsuits in that which the negligence of the defendant resulted in the death of the plaintiff.

These types of damages cover a vast array of costs including:
  • Funeral and Burial expenses
  • Loss of services and support
  • Loss of financial contribution
  • Loss of companionship and consortium
  • Emotional distress of loved ones
  • Medical care costs – pre-death

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?

Personal injury lawsuits vary in time depending on the nature of the case. Personal injury lawsuits may take a long time, possibly lasting a year or two after being filed. This process can take even longer if multiple appeals are made to different levels of the court system. Despite this, most personal injury lawsuits end earlier in settlement negotiations between the parties.

Finding a Personal Injury Lawyer

How The Law Center Can Help

The Law Center specializes in connecting the sick or injured with an attorney that can help them or their family through a personal injury lawsuit, and be made whole again. Every personal injury claim is different and it takes the care of a trained legal professional to properly assess. The Law Center has a national network of premier personal injury attorneys who have recovered billions of dollars for victims and their families. If you or a family member are a victim due to someone else’s negligence, contact The Law Center immediately at 866-465-1419 or by filling out the form below.